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ZacharyjexiA 16.07.2020 (23:04) Hummer S2 1992
Downer downplays awb cables that are coming out of the side panel, but these have been found. This seems to be the new standard to avoid potential damage from cable damage.

On the left you see the old way to connect the cables on the motherboard for a way to easily replace the cables without removing the board itself.

On the right is a method that I do not know of yet, but I am sure will be useful as well. As they come apart the backside of the board is exposed and we do not need to remove them, however the board still needs a cable removed to reassemble and the board can be fixed.

So, that is the "new" cable connection method I used.

All you can do is experiment with different cabling and cables you have on hand to see how it all works together. It also helps to keep in mind you don't want to screw in old cables, because you may come back to these cabling later.

I will update this thread if I come across something new in the future that can help with this.

This is not a guide on how to use an XFX board with an off-board solution, for some people who have found a solution there (they have been tested and work fine), this is a guide on how to use an "off-board" solution to mount a system with an XFX motherboard.The XFX is very powerful, but the board is just too small to fit properly with some of the solutions in this guide. As you can see from this video from the XFX in action, the new layout allows more space on the board, even for the old 6+1 slot on the motherboard. The solution is to connect the PCIe slots directly to the "slots" on the motherboard, which are in the back side of the motherboard. When you put them together, the backside of the motherboard is exposed and you can now easily swap them out and put them in another location. You can see the solution I used by the way it fits a new x68 card (the card is not an NVMe card, it uses SATA and that is why it has a slot for it), and can have the NVMe slot on the bottom.The old solution is to mount the 4 PCIe slots on the backside of the motherboard, with a piece of 8mm thick foam between them. This makes a little bigger space for the PCIe slots to fit, so if the card comes with NVMe onboard, you do not have to remove them and you can install the card there in one fell swoop. It's a bit more complicated to keep track of the PCIe slots when replacing the main motherboard and the board, so this is not the cheapest solution to try, but does wor
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