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Danielsponi 09.09.2021 (19:44) Dong Feng 80 1995
Anonymous Bitcoin Mixer

<p>crypto mixer is a coin cleaning service that can hide your footprints in the cryptocurrency world. Currently, crypto mixer has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to transfer more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is given 5 exit addresses to be set. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance does not update, then the client can contact the support service to take action. For users who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. The logs are kept for 7 days after which they are automatically deleted. The platform runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer runs on a different machine, all suspicious activity is monitored and the website is automatically blocked on any signal that it is under intrusion.</p> <p>Bitcoin Mixer as the name suggests is another mixer, which lets us mix Bitcoinmixer.io. It’s an onion-only service, and the lack of a clearnet version increases anonymity. Offers quite a bit of control to the users regarding percentage distribution and time-delays. Percentage distribution can be specified manually, while time-delays can only be “selected” from the provided options. Minimum possible delay is 1hour, maximum being 24 Hours, with multiple choices in between. Although “instant” payouts without any delay are possible as well. A total of 5 output addresses can be specified for each mix. The fee isn’t user-controlled, and is set at 1% of the mix. Each additional address costs an additional 0.000001 BTC. They do not store any logs whatsoever. The minimum deposit requirement is 0.0002 BTC, smaller deposits are considered donations and aren’t refunded.</p> <p>And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named <a href=https://my-crypto-mixer.com/>Mycryptomixer</a>. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.</p>
GeorgeSnign 09.09.2021 (18:29) Jeep Prizm 1985
Несмотря на технический и научный прогресс, для перемещения какого-либо груза преимущественное большинство людей отдает свое предпочтение автомобильной технике. Все объясняется тем, что авиаперевозка является достаточно быстрым, но дорогим способом, и не многие компании, а тем более – рядовые граждане, готовы распрощаться с «кругленькой» суммой денег.

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